The Benefits of Non-GMO Pet Food: Everything a Pet Parent Must Know About It

You've just welcomed a furry baby into your home, and now, as a new pet parent, you're focused on finding the right food for them. It’s natural to consider home-cooked meals, but have you ever wondered if the food you're preparing provides all the protein, vitamins, and minerals necessary for your pet’s healthy growth and graceful ageing? If you truly care about your new family member, you’ll want to ensure they receive the best nutrition available.
According to a 2014 study of 16 major consumer markets by Health Focus International, a market research firm, 87% of consumers worldwide believe non-GMO foods are “somewhat” or “a lot” healthier.
The increasing popularity of non-GMO pet food is certainly not confined to specific countries but all over the world. It surely makes many of you out there wonder what non-GMO food is? What is the need for buying it?
As a conscious pet parent, your wish to read this blog is enough to make us believe how strong your bond is with your four-legged furry friend. You will go to any lengths to educate yourself about the right food to give to your loyal companion.
Your canines need wholesome meals that are not only tasty but are healthy in every way, ensuring that your cuddly buddy lives a happy, healthy, and energetic life. We,believe in providing natural and fresh pet food, and thus offer nutrient-rich, GMO-free meals. Our commitment to quality ensures that your pet receives the optimal nutrition they need to thrive.
This blog will cover everything you must know regarding non-GMO pet foods, their benefits, and ways to choose the best foods for your pets to boost their longevity.
Let’s get started!
What Is a Non-GMO Pet Food?
GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. So, when we talk about a non-GMO food, it simply means that the grains, meats, and vegetables are not genetically engineered in a laboratory to make them grow faster or to have other modified traits like improved yield and resistance to pests. The non-GMO food is not altered or modified, but it is made from local ingredients that are naturally grown by organic farming processes. It is potentially a safer and healthier option for pets
Doesn’t it give you a sense of relief that your pet’s health is in safe hands if you keep giving them non-GMO nutrient pet food? By opting for non-GMO food options, you are prioritizing their well-being. This thoughtful choice supports their digestive system and contributes to their overall vitality and mood. It’s comforting to know that you’re providing them with food that aligns with natural, wholesome standards, ensuring they receive the best possible nutrition for a happy and healthy life.
Describing the Benefits of Giving non-GMO Food to Your Pets
I want to give my pet the best diet, but I’m totally lost on what to include. I have no clue what my furry friend needs to stay active and healthy. What should I be feeding them to make sure they’re getting everything they need?
These thoughts keep dwelling in your mind throughout the day, right? Well, start with a non-GMO nutrient pet food offered. What will it offer? Read further:
Highest Nutritional Value: Our non-GMO meals are loaded with nutrients that have been grown locally without genetically modified traits. With a higher concentration of vitamins, minerals, and protein, these meals give a significant boost to the energy levels and overall health of your pet.
Lowers the Risk of Food Allergies: My heart skips a beat when my pet pukes. That’s exactly how every pet parent feels! It’s tough when your pet vomits or seems off—it really does feel like everything’s going wrong. It’s totally natural to feel this way because, let’s face it, they’re not just pets; they’re family, right? If you notice your pet has digestive sensitivities or allergies, non-GMO food could be the way to go. They help lower the risk of food allergies and digestive issues. GMOs sometimes trigger these problems, but with non-GMO food, you’re giving your furry friend a more natural, hypoallergenic diet that’s gentler on their system.
Contributes to Longevity & Graceful Ageing: Every moment with your pet is a burst of joy and excitement, and you can’t wait to make even more happy memories together, right? To keep those good times rolling and support your furry friend’s long-term health, choosing non-GMO food can be a game-changer. By feeding them such food options, you’re not just looking out for their immediate health but also setting them up for a vibrant and graceful ageing process. Imagine them rocking a shiny, healthy coat well into their senior years! It’s all about giving them the best chance to stay happy and healthy for as long as possible.
Final Thoughts!
In your journey as a new pet parent, you'll notice various aspects of your canine's health, such as dietary allergies, upset stomach, lack of energy, and mood shifts. Navigating these issues can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be!
Our natural pet meals are enriched with superfoods like pumpkin, sweet potatoes, brown rice, minced chicken, and fresh chicken liver, all packed with essential proteins, minerals, and vitamins. We avoid using common fillers like wheat, corn, white rice, and barley that can trigger allergies and sensitivities in dogs.
Grain-free diets can be gentler on your furry companion, helping to alleviate symptoms such as bloating, gas, or diarrhoea. At Hunger Tail, we're dedicated to offering a diet that supports your pet's overall well-being and health. Though we tried our best to spread awareness, if you still harbour any doubts, give us a nudge right away!